How to optimise your liver function to feel better.

So why do we need to detox when the body naturally does this? Our liver is one powerful organ. It’s role is to process everything that comes into the body whether that be the foods we eat, the medications we take, the sneaky chemicals in cooking appliances, the makeup and skin products we use or even the air we breathe. It is our liver's job to keep up with every new substance and process it so it can go to where it needs to next and exit the body. 

I always think of the  liver as akin to a well-organised supermarket checkout. Imagine it operating smoothly, efficiently scanning and bagging every item that comes its way. This is precisely what happens when our body functions optimally. The liver diligently processes everything we ingest – from the foods we consume to the medications we take, even the subtle chemicals in our surroundings.

However, in our modern, fast-paced world, the liver can face an overwhelming influx of substances to process. It's as if the checkout suddenly has a flood of customers all at once. When this happens, just like at a busy checkout, things may start to get missed. Some items might not be processed correctly or efficiently.

This is why it's essential to support our liver's natural detoxification process. While our body has an innate ability to detoxify itself, providing it with the right nutrients and lifestyle practices can help it perform this crucial function effectively. It's about aiding our liver in managing the constant stream of substances that come its way, ensuring nothing gets overlooked or improperly handled.

Fortunately there are many things we can do to 'pour' the cup out and start fresh. Using key nutrients, herbs, dietary choices and lifestyle measures, we can significantly support this process.

Thankfully, there are numerous ways we can help 'empty the detox cup' and begin anew. Through the strategic use of essential nutrients, potent herbs, mindful dietary selections, and thoughtful lifestyle adjustments, we have the power to profoundly bolster this rejuvenating process and feel good again. 


Break-outs eczema, skin complaints, acne, itchy skin, cellulite, bloating, constipation, headaches, mood swings, PCOS, endometriosis, PMS, food cravings, water retention, stagnant weight, allergies, fatigue, finding it hard to digest fatty foods, difficulty concentrating or brain fog, irregular menstrual cycles, sensitivity to chemicals or strong odors, joint pain or stiffness, blood sugar imbalances, elevated cholesterol levels, insomnia or disrupted sleep patterns, sensitivity to light. 


When we have issues with our gut health, such as leaky gut,  a condition where the lining of the intestines becomes more porous than it should be. This allows substances like undigested food particles, toxins, and bacteria to leak into the bloodstream. This influx of foreign substances puts added stress on the liver. The liver is responsible for filtering and processing everything absorbed from the digestive tract. When the gut barrier is compromised, the liver must work harder to neutralise and detoxify these extra substances. This can lead to an overworked and overwhelmed liver, potentially contributing to various health issues. This is why addressing and healing your gut health  is crucial for supporting optimal liver function and overall well-being.


When it comes to hormonal balance and maintaining a healthy weight, the state of our gut health and liver detoxification plays a pivotal role. A compromised gut sets off a cascade of effects that directly impact hormonal regulation and weight management. The permeability of the intestinal lining in leaky gut allows for the passage of undigested food particles, toxins, and bacteria into the bloodstream. This influx of foreign substances triggers an immune response, causing inflammation. Now, inflammation is a key player in disrupting hormonal equilibrium. It can lead to imbalances in hormones like insulin, cortisol, and thyroid hormones, which are crucial for metabolism and weight regulation. Not only that but an overworked liver, tasked with processing these extra substances, diverts its attention away from metabolising and regulating hormones effectively. This can lead to hormonal imbalances, which in turn can contribute to weight gain or difficulties in losing weight. 


The lymphatic system plays a crucial role in the body's detoxification processes. It serves as a network of vessels and nodes that transport lymph, a clear fluid containing white blood cells, throughout the body. This system acts as a sanitation crew, helping to remove cellular waste, toxins, and excess fluids from the body's tissues. When the lymphatic system is functioning optimally, it aids in the efficient removal of waste products, contributing to overall metabolic health.

When the liver's detoxification pathways are overwhelmed, it can put additional strain on the lymphatic system. This can lead to a backlog of waste materials, potentially manifesting as issues like cellulite. 

Cellulite can be a sign of compromised detoxification pathways and sluggish lymphatic flow. This is why, addressing both liver detoxification and supporting lymphatic function is essential not only for hormonal balance but also for promoting healthy metabolism and addressing cosmetic concerns like cellulite. 

This holistic approach aligns seamlessly with naturopathic principles, focusing on the interconnectedness of bodily systems for comprehensive well-being.


The Phases of Liver Detoxification. 

Phase 1, or 'The Transformer', is like the factory's first line of defence. It's where the liver's skilled workers, known as enzymes, roll up their sleeves and start breaking down toxins. These enzymes are like the superheroes of the detox world, turning harmful substances into smaller, more manageable pieces. Think of Phase 1 as the 'disassembly line', where the liver dissects the bad stuff into more manageable parts.

Next up is Phase 2, or 'The Conjugator'. This is where the liver's second shift kicks in. Picture a team of workers adding special tags to those smaller toxin fragments. These tags make the toxins water-soluble, so they can be easily escorted out of the body. It's like attaching little life vests to pieces of a puzzle, ensuring they sail safely away.

Finally, it’s Phase 3, or 'The Cleanup Crew'. After Phase 1 and Phase 2 have done their magic, Phase 3 steps in like the cleanup crew of our liver factory. Imagine a team of diligent workers with brooms and mops, ready to sweep up any remaining waste.  Phase 3 is all about packaging up those now-neutralised toxins and getting them ready for their final journey out of the body. It's like putting them in sturdy boxes labelled 'Toxins, handle with care'. These 'boxed up' toxins are then escorted to the exit, ensuring they don't cause any trouble on their way out. Off to the kidneys and bowels for excretion. 


What a lot of fad detoxes and juice cleanses don’t  tell you - and let’s face it because they might not even know to tell you  is that your liver depends on key nutrients to support the phases. 

What's needed for Phase 1

B12, B2, B3, B6, Zinc and copper, Folate, Magnesium, Molybdenum, Copper, Bio-flavonoids/ antioxidants, Indole-3-carbinol, Vitamin C.

What's needed for Phase 2 

Glutathione: pre-cursors: ALA, selenium, vitamin E, St Mary's Thistle, NAC, sulphur (cruciferous vege) Vitamin C, Amino acids from protein e.g glycine and choline Methionine/SAMe

Helpful liver herbs

Schisandra, St Mary's Thistle, Turmeric, Rosemary, Dandelion root, Globe artichoke, Green tea, Burdock Root,, Bupleurum, Meadowsweet, Artichoke Leaf,, Oregon Grape Root, Licorice Root.


I’m not going to lie, often when we are cleaning up the body and detoxing we can start to feel much worse before we feel better. This is known as a healing crisis. While some practitioners may go hard with this, I prefer the more gentle approach. Starting in a sustainable pace so we can reduce the impact of going too hard at once and minimising symptoms. Having said that it is nice to be able to see you are experiencing signs of detoxing as it means something is happening. Clients especially those who embark on Metabolic Balance tend to experience quite a few symptoms in the first week and my response is always “GREAT. This means the good will come”. 


Symptoms I regularly hear about are: headaches, constipation, feeling a little more moody than normal, skin flare-ups, feeling like your symptoms are getting worse not better, feeling irritated. 


Think of your body like a well-lived-in house. Over time, dust and clutter accumulate in corners, and the flow from room to room becomes less seamless. This gradual buildup can make the house feel less comfortable and efficient.

When we start a detox, it's like giving the house a thorough spring cleaning. Initially, as we move through each room, there's a bit of upheaval. Things might seem a bit chaotic before they start falling back into place. But with each sweep and tidying up, the house begins to regain its cosy, organised feel. Much like giving a house a thorough spring cleaning, starting a detox is like giving your body a reset. Initially, there may be some upheaval as we clear out the accumulated 'clutter' of toxins. It's a necessary step towards restoring the body's natural balance and vitality. Just as a freshly cleaned house feels more inviting and efficient, a detoxed body operates more smoothly, paving the way for improved health and well-being.


  • Coffee

  • Dairy & gluten (grass fed ghee is fine) 

  • Drugs & alcohol 

  • Sugar

  • Processed grains 

  • Processed carbs: bread, pasta etc 

  • Tinned foods 

  • Tinned tuna 

  • Heating in plastic 

  • Use of chemical cleaning products

  • Non-natural deodorants 

  • Unfiltered water

  • Burnt or smoked foods 

  • Dried fruits 

  • Margarines


  • Lots of leafy vegetables 

  • Cruciferous veggies 

  • Turmeric, ginger and rosemary 

  • Grapefruit & lemons 

  • Caffeine-free herbal teas 

  • Healthy fats: grass fed ghee, avocado, good quality flaxseed oil

  • 2-3L filtered water/day 

  • Seeds: hemp, chia, pumpkin, flax


There's no denying that a detox will come with some cravings. But as long as you're armed with the right tools, you can kiss these cravings goodbye.

So why do we get food cravings?  

Gut Bugs and Sugar

Certain microbes thrive on sugar and can send signals to the brain, prompting cravings. Starving them out leads to their decline and paves the way for beneficial bacteria.

Receptors and Coffee

Our body adapts to substances like caffeine. The more we consume, the more receptors grow. Quitting can lead to crankiness, headaches, and fatigue as receptors decrease.

Emotional Habits

Long-standing practices, like the afternoon cheese and crackers, often have deep emotional connections. Retraining the brain forms new pathways, gradually replacing old habits.

Nutrient Deficiency

When the body lacks essential nutrients, it may signal hunger in an attempt to obtain the missing elements.


Thirst can sometimes be mistaken for hunger. Staying well-hydrated can help manage unnecessary food cravings.

Stress and Emotional State

Emotional triggers, such as stress, anxiety, or boredom, can lead to cravings for comfort foods.

Lack of Sleep

Sleep deprivation disrupts hormones that regulate appetite, potentially leading to increased hunger.

Meal Timing and Frequency

Irregular eating patterns or skipping meals can lead to fluctuations in blood sugar levels, resulting in increased appetite.

Hormonal Changes 

Hormones like ghrelin and leptin play a role in regulating hunger. Imbalances or fluctuations can lead to increased appetite.

Physical Activity

 Intense physical activity can stimulate hunger as the body requires additional energy to recover.

Environmental Cues

The sight, smell, or availability of food can trigger hunger cues, even when the body doesn't necessarily need nourishment.


1. Protein

 Opt for quality complete proteins to stabilise blood sugar levels and maintain energy.

2. Healthy Fats

 Incorporate sources like extra virgin olive oil, ghee, avocados, and coconut oil for lasting satiety.

3. Fibre and Hydration

 Boost satiation by combining fibre-rich foods with plenty of water. Think fibrous vegetables, chia and flax seeds, and psyllium husks.

4. Complex Carbohydrates:

 Opt for whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, and whole wheat bread. They provide sustained energy and help you feel satisfied.

6. Legumes and Pulses

 Beans, lentils, and chickpeas are packed with fibre and protein, making them excellent choices for satiety.

7. Nutrient-Dense Vegetables

 Load up on veggies like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and spinach. They're rich in fibre and nutrients, keeping you feeling full and nourished.

9. Balanced Meals

Aim for meals that include a combination of protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. This balance helps regulate blood sugar and keeps hunger at bay.

10. Hydration

Stay well-hydrated throughout the day. Sometimes, thirst can be mistaken for hunger.

Treatment Options.

When it comes to nurturing our liver's vitality and overall well-being, introducing Metabolic Balance can be a game-changer. This 12-week personalised nutrition plan, firmly grounded in both evidence-based and traditional methodologies, resonates seamlessly with naturopathic principles. It’s a tool I regularly call upon to help my clients feel better and have a greater impact on their health. By working with your unique medical history, body metrics, and comprehensive blood data, Metabolic Balance crafts a nutrition blueprint tailored exclusively for you. It embraces whole foods that harmonise perfectly with your body's distinct biochemistry, ensuring your liver receives what it needs for efficient detoxification. I like to think of it as cleaning up a muddy pool. Clean up the pool through diet and once the mud has been cleared and the pool is sparkling clean, you can really see whats going on with your health, whats left to work on (if anything). I find this to be a far more efficient way to work allowing for a really tailored approach for your treatment.

If you are interested in learning more about how you can feel better, have a clear head, better skin, more energy, lose weight and keep it off I recommend you check out this page . It's quite a comprehensive overview of all things Metabolic Balance®. If you’re interested in reading about one of my clients experience on Metabolic Balance, head here.

And if you have any questions at all, email me at I love hearing from you. You can also book a FREE discovery call to find out if seeing a naturopath is right for you.


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